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4.24.18 Board Meeting Recap

A Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting was held on Monday, April 23, 2018 following the conclusion of a groundbreaking ceremony in Vlasis Park for the construction of Ballwin's new City Hall. A few highlights from the meeting are below as selected by staff. Official meeting minutes will be posted upon approval after the next Board of Aldermen meeting, at which time this post will be updated.

1. Re-elected Ballwin Aldermen were sworn into office including:

Ward 1: Alderman Finley
Ward 2: Alderman Roach
Ward 3: Alderman Fleming
Ward 4: Alderman Kerlagon

Each alderman will serve a two year term.

2. An annual report was given by Chief Scott for the Ballwin Police Department. The video presentation included crime statistics and traffic violations from 2017. It also included some 911 calls to give a sense of the communication division’s role. Watch the police department’s social media pages to see a copy of this report.

3. Resident Comments

  • Resident Dominic first congratulated the re-elected Aldermen, and he then shared he would like to see the board consider allowing chickens in Ballwin.
  • Resident Julie expressed gratitude to staff and aldermen for considering her petition to look into speeders on Richmond Meadows Drive. Research has been done in this area and she would like to know what the next steps would be after the data is considered.
  • Resident Helena stated she has enjoyed learning the process of how the City of Ballwin operates over the last year in various programs. She said she will be running for state representative 

4. New Legislation

  • Staff requested permission to apply for a Municipal Parks Grant Program for a planning grant to help with the costs of the park master plan project. The funds would be reimbursable upon completion of the project. The request was unanimously approved.
  • The City of Ellisville contacted Ballwin to enter into an agreement to house prisoners on their behalf for the period of one year. The board approved the agreement to house Ellisville prisoners in the Ballwin Police
  • The City will soon upgrade the communications system at the police station. With board approval, Ballwin is now authorized to enter into an agreement with the City of Manchester to temporarily house Ballwin prisoners during the upgrade process.
  • Bill No. 3990 was passed to amend the special use exceptions period of validity to reflect an unlimited period unless a lesser time period is established.
  • In discussion of Bill No. 3991 Alderman Roach moved to amend the language for parking from “on the street abutting the property” to “on the portion of the street directly contiguous to the property of the licensee” in regards to short term rentals to help contain renter parking. The amended Bill No. 3991 became ordinance No. 18-05 with unanimous approval. The Board determined it is in the best interest of residents and businesses in Ballwin to allow such rentals, subject to certain regulations.

5. Consent items

  • Consent items passed with full approval including a liquor license for the Rotary Club for Ballwin Days and the migration of the City’s email system from Exchange to Google’s G Suite Business cloud alternative.

6. Mayor’s Report

  • Mayor Pogue first thanked everyone involved in the groundbreaking ceremony tonight and reappointed recently re-elected Alderman Fleming as president of the board.

7. City Administrator’s Report

  • City Administrator Hanson reported the street light poles on Manchester Road that are being replaced by the manufacturer will likely be installed in May.
  • Two bridge replacement projects should begin in May. The Ries Road Bridge will be completed first, and then the Ramsey Road Bridge. A pre-construction meeting will be scheduled next week.
  • North Pointe upgrades are really starting to take shape now, and the competition pool is full and holding water. Staff has been working to fix a number of leaks, and the pool looks to be in great shape as summer approaches.

8. Staff Reports

  • Superintendent of Streets Jim Link shared that bids for the two budgeted trailers came in under budget. So much under budget that the board suggested he purchase a third since the Public Works Department has three 1995 trailers which need replacing. Purchasing three instead of two at this low price would still remain under budget.

9. Aldermanic Comments

  • Alderman Terbrock commented about resident Dominic’s request and said he would support further discussion about allowing backyard chickens.
  • Alderman Finley thanked the residents of Ward 1 for voting for him again.

 The next board of Aldermen meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 14, 2018 at 7 p.m.

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