Archived Meeting Agendas


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The Board of Aldermen meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in the Board Room of the Ballwin Government Center, 1 Government Ctr. Schedule and place subject to change. Meetings are open to the public. All citizens are urged to attend.

2017 Budget Work Session

Meeting Agenda

October 24, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
300 Park Drive – Donald “Red” Loehr Police & Court Center

Agenda Items:
1. Revisions to the General fund budget
    i. Updated street list
2. Review of City owned vehicles
3. Proposed budgets for other funds:
    i. Capital fund
    ii. Special Allocations fund
    iii. TDD fund
    iv. Sewer lateral fund
    v. Federal Asset Seizure fund
    vi. P.O.S.T. Fund
4. Summary of all funds
5. Five year Capital Improvement Plan

Meeting Minutes

Budget Work Session Minutes
October 24, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
300 Park Drive – Donald “Red” Loehr Police and Court Center

The minutes are prepared in summary to reflect the overall discussion – not verbatim quotes.

The Budget Work Session was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Mayor Tim Pogue.
In attendance were Aldermen Jimmy Terbrock, Michael Finley, Kevin Roach, Mark Stallmann, Frank Fleming, Jim Leahy, Raymond Kerlagon and Ross Bullington.  Also in attendance were City Administrator Eric Hanson, City Attorney Robert Jones, Police Chief Kevin Scott, Director of Parks and Recreation Linda Bruer, Director of Public Works Gary Kramer, Finance Officer Denise Keller, Human Resource Coordinator Haley Morrison, Streets Superintendent Jim Link, and City Clerk Abigail Johnson.

Finance Officer, Denise Keller presented the revisions to the General Fund Budget beginning with the updated street list. Kehrs Mill Trails street repair will be delayed because it is adjacent to a new subdivision being built at Kehrs Mill Crossing. A revised street list was presented to the Board. The revised street list caused an increase in the budget of just under $60,000.

Alderman Roach stated he would prefer to see an increase in street repairs in Ward Two.

City Administrator Hanson commented that based on Board feedback, staff will need to correlate the percentage of streets in each ward with the streets in need of repair to prevent one ward receiving more repair and attention than another.

Ms. Keller presented a review of City owned vehicles:

After a replacement with a surplus police vehicle, there will be no vehicles rated in poor condition in the Administration Department.

There are three vehicles rated in Fair condition in the Police Department. These vehicles are anticipated to be replaced in 2017.

In the Parks Department, two vehicles were rated in fair/poor condition in 2016.  One of these will get replaced in 2017 and the other vehicle will be replaced with a surplus police vehicle.

The Public Works Department has five vehicles and equipment scheduled to be replaced in 2017; leaving a total of four vehicles and equipment listed in poor condition.

Ms. Keller presented the proposed budgets for other funds: Capital Fund, Special Allocations fund, TDD fund, Sewer Lateral fund, Federal Asset Seizure Fund, and P.O.S.T. Fund.

The Aldermen agreed that there should be additional discussions regarding the Sewer Lateral program in order to provide quicker funding for sewer lateral repaired.

Ms. Keller presented the five year Capital Improvement Plan which included various projects from each department until 2021. The Board took particular interest in the Parks Improvement Plan.

Mayor Pogue adjourned the budget meeting at 7:06 p.m. 

Frank Fleming, Presiding over Meeting


Eric Hanson, City Administrator

Approved:  November 14, 2015
A Johnson