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2.27.18 Board Meeting Recap

A Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting was held on Monday, February 26, 2018 at 7 p.m. A few highlights from the meeting are below as selected by staff. Official meeting minutes will be posted upon approval after the next Board of Aldermen meeting at which time this post will be updated.

  1. Resident Ron speaks to the board about short term rentals near his home. He told the board he and some of his neighbors are opposed to these types of rentals.
  2. Bill No 3988 Next Generation 9-1-1 Contract Agreement passes with board approval and becomes ordinance # 18-02. The City will enter into a service contract as a matter of procedure prior to the police department receiving new equipment and/or operating within the new county wide system. The system is being funded through the St. Louis County Communications Tax, so the Ballwin PSAP will receive the new equipment and training at no additional cost.
  3. Comprehensive Plan update: The Board approves staff’s recommendation to select the i5Group to conduct the project after completing an RFQ and interview process. The planning will begin this spring.
  4. Consent items all pass with unanimous board approval including the purchase of slab and sidewalk, a golf course greens mower, and more. See more details about these items in the full agenda from the meeting.
  5. Alderman Fleming asks staff to look into why some residents have seen the city of Manchester listed on their mail instead of Ballwin recently. Staff will look into the issue in the coming days and weeks.
  6. City Engineer Gary Kramer presented a series of recent RFPs completed for 2018 public works projects. The Crushed Rock bid is awarded to Simpson Construction, Street Sweeping to Contractors and Municipal Sweeping, Inc., and Ready Mix Concrete to Landvatter Ready Mix, Inc. The Hot Asphalt Mix bid was awarded to the second lowest bidder Fred Weber because the lowest bidder closes their asphalt plant for a few months each winter. This would pose a problem to the department for smaller winter projects such as fixing potholes.
  7. In light of recent tragic events, Alderman Bullington takes a moment to urge Ballwin residents to listen to their children intently. As a school principal himself, he especially encouraged people to report anything suspicious to the authorities. In memory of the 17 people who died in Parkland, Alderman Bullington encourages everyone to do 17 good deeds in the next 17 days.

The next scheduled Board of Aldermen meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 12, 2018 at 7 p.m.

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