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7.12.18 Reinke Road Improvement Project

July 12, 2018

Dear Ballwin Resident,

The City of Ballwin and the City of Ellisville have partnered together to complete street improvements on Reinke Road from the new roundabout, east to 822 Reinke Road. The projected improvements will include relocation of the existing street to straighten out the street and improve sight distance. The improvements will include construction of a twenty-nine foot wide asphaltic concrete street with concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, underdrains, modifications to the existing storm water system, new driveway approaches and other miscellaneous items such as grading and sodding.

L. Krupp Construction, Inc. has been awarded the contract for the project. Work is planned to start on August 13, 2018, weather permitting. Working hours for the contractor will be from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., (correction: please note a previous version of this information stated working hours ended at 5 p.m. instead of 8 p.m.) Monday through Friday. This work will take approximately two months to complete. Reinke Road will remain open during the project. The contractor will schedule the street work in four phases to minimize the amount of inconvenience to property owners and always allow access to Reinke Road. Enclosed are maps showing the four different phases of the construction for the Reinke Road improvements.


Before work begins, all of the utility companies such as Spire, Missouri-American Water Company, Charter Communications, Ameren UE and AT&T will be locating their facilities to insure that they are not disrupted during the street reconstruction work. Usually, these facilities are located with paint marks or small flags. It is very important that these marks not be disturbed since they will be used by the construction crews throughout the street improvement project. In addition, survey crews will be installing wood stakes to mark the location of the new storm sewers and the edges of the new roadway.

Please drive slowly and obey all traffic signs in the work areas. All disturbed areas will be backfilled with earth and rough graded. Once the street improvements are completed, these areas will be fine graded and restored to their original condition.

The City of Ballwin and the City of Ellisville appreciate your patience and cooperation during this work. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact at 636-227-9000.


City of Ballwin, MO

Andy K. Hixson ICMA-CM Dir. of Development/Assistant City Administrator

Jim Link Superintendent of Streets

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