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8.28.18 Board Meeting Recap

A Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting was held on Monday, August 27, 2018 at 7 p.m. A few highlights from the meeting are below as selected by staff. Official meeting minutes will be posted upon approval after the next Board of Aldermen meeting.

Citizen Comments

  1. A large group of residents came to the meeting to thank board members for their support and investment of the game of Pickleball in Ballwin and to encourage them to continue doing so in the future.


  1. Bill No. 3998 passed to revise the code in regards to right-of-way fees. The revision brings Ballwin ordinances in line with a change in state statute preventing right-of-way users from being charged the use fee if they are already paying gross receipts tax, business license fees or business license taxes.
  2. In an attempt to update Ballwin’s building codes, 8 bills had a first reading. The current codes are from 2005 and if approved would be updated to the 2015 codes (electric code would be 2014). These will be available for public review for at least 90 days before further action.

Consent Items

  1. Both consent items passed. The first was in regards to destruction of records permitted by the Missouri Secretary of State’s Local General Records Retention Schedule and the second a Special Use Exception transfer for 14750 Manchester Road.

Mayor’s Report

  1. In his report, Mayor Pogue shared about the public hearing tomorrow (8-28-18) with the Boundary Commission; an upcoming annual review of the City Administrator’s position; and that Bill 3997 from the last meeting has been signed.

City Administrator’s Report

  1. City Administrator Hanson reported the new light poles for Manchester road are enroute, offered a timeline for the upcoming budget season, and gave an update on the city hall contract.

City Attorney’s Report

  1. City Attorney Jones reported he has been contacted about releasing a restrictive covenant from a lawsuit in 1991. More information will be provided in the near future.  


The Board of Aldermen meeting has returned to their regular meeting schedule. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 10 at 7 p.m.

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