Archived Meeting Agendas


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The Board of Aldermen meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in the Board Room of the Ballwin Government Center, 1 Government Ctr. Schedule and place subject to change. Meetings are open to the public. All citizens are urged to attend.

Board of Aldermen Budget Workshop

Meeting Agenda

The Ballwin Board of Aldermen will meet in a Budget Workshop on Monday, October 12, 2015 at 5:30 P.M., prior to the Board Meeting at the Donald “Red” Loehr Police and Court Center at 300 Park Drive. The items to be discussed regarding the 2016 budget are the Departmental Overview Budgets.
This meeting and all other meetings are open to the public and the building is handicapped accessible.

Residents of Ballwin are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the programs and services of the City of Ballwin regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, familial status, national origin or political affiliation. If you are a person requiring an accommodation, please call (636) 227-85580 (V) or (636) 527-9200 (TDD) or 1-800-735-2966 (Relay Missouri) no later than 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.


Meeting Minutes

Budget Work Session Minutes
October 12, 2015 at 5:30 p.m.
300 Park Drive – Donald “Red” Loehr Police and Court Center

The minutes are prepared in summary to reflect the overall discussion – not verbatim quotes.

The Budget Work Session was called to order at 5:34 p.m. by Mayor Tim Pogue.

In attendance were Aldermen Jimmy Terbrock, Michael Finley, Kevin Roach, Mark Stallmann, Jim Leahy, Ross Bullington and Kathy Kerlagon.  Also in attendance were City Administrator Eric Hanson,
City Attorney Robert Jones, Assistant City Administrator Thomas Aiken, Police Chief Steve Schicker,
Director of Parks and Recreation Linda Bruer, Director of Public Works Gary Kramer,
Finance Officer Denise Keller and Human Resource Coordinator Haley Morrison.

City Administrator Eric Hanson announced the overall agenda for the meeting. The staff will present their overall projected budget needs for their respective departments. Mr. Hanson stated the objective for this meeting is to give an overall view of the needs for each department. Revenues will be presented at the next meeting. This will allow the board to decide where money is best spent.

The Administration’s operating budget overview was presented by Tom Aiken, Assistant City Administrator. He outlined that the department’s budget would be about $50,000 less than the 2015 adopted budget. The decrease is primarily attributable to the lack of capital projects and reduction in equipment purchases for 2016.

The Planning and Zoning program is very consistent from year to year and will see no change – in 2016.

The Inspections program ensures the housing stock and lands remain in good, desirable conditions—making Ballwin a desirable place to live. Two new vehicles to be added late in 2015 will reduce the maintenance and fuel costs for this program. A fuel and service analysis will be conducted at the end of 2016 to provide guidance for the disposition of the remainder of the aging fleet.

The community service program is primarily public relations oriented. The budget is dominated by the ever increasing cost of operating streetlights for which the city can expect a rise of $16,000 in 2016 due to an expected electricity rate increase.

The legal and legislation programs contains expenditures related to these matters and costs can be expected to increase for 2016 due to an increase in conferences travel for elected officials, election expenses, and legal services.

The support service program includes a wide range of expenditures associated with the day to day operations of the department. No significant new expenses are expected for 2016.  But there will be no major expenditures for asset improvement as there have been for the past few years.

Information Systems purchased servers late in 2015 which will require a one-time expenditure for licensing. In 2016 the overall budget for this program is still expected to be reduced from 2015.

The Court program and finance programs will be unchanged for 2016.

A question was asked about the Great Streets Project by Alderman Roach and what the money set aside would cover. Mr. Aiken said this money was set aside for non-specific items. The money was there as an anticipation to complete current projects or for the next phase of the project. Mayor Pogue stated it was set up as a contingency fund in the event that there were changes. Alderman Leahy asked if the money had been used and Mr. Aiken stated that it had not. The money set aside for the Great Streets project is still available.

The Parks and Recreation operating budget overview was presented by Linda Bruer, Director of Parks and Recreation. She stated the programs budgeted for 2016 will be primarily focused on expanding street tree maintenance and removal efforts based on the 2015 street tree inventory. The department is also proposing the initiation of a residential street tree planting cost share program. Funds are proposed to plant 100 trees in 2016, if requested. Two replacement vehicles are also budgeted in the parks program budget to facilitate tree removal.

An effort will be made in 2016 to bring golf course expenses more in line with revenues. Ms. Bruer is proposing to move a full-time golf course employee that specializes in horticulture to the parks department. She is also proposing doing away with the golf course manager position through attrition. The banquet operations will be contracted through an RFP process to a private firm specializing in these services. Ms. Bruer stated the only equipment proposed for replacement is the 22 year old reel grinder. There are no major projects planned in 2016.

The North Pointe will be in its 14th season of operation. It is proposed to replace the concession tables due to rust, fading and two being un-repairable.

The Pointe at Ballwin Commons will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2016. The budget for 2016 includes the final phase of Pointe renovations including: painting the indoor pool, slide and play structure, purchasing new cardio equipment on a three year payment plan, and upgrading the RecTrac software that is currently used for POS, membership registration, on-line sales, facility scheduling, golf tee times, and client communications.

The Ballwin Days Festival budget is anticipated to remain unchanged from the 2015 budget.

The building services program includes personnel, supplies, equipment, maintaining all city buildings and performing small renovation projects. There is no anticipation of major equipment or personnel changes expected for the 2016 budget.

Alderman Terbrock asked about the use of the banquette center, entering into an RFP contract, how often it was rented and if this will generate revenue or cost the City money. Ms. Bruer stated they would look into a 3 year RFP contract and that currently the banquet hall is rented or in use once a week. The revenue should remain the same but could increase if it was marketed correctly.

Alderman Terbrock also asked if a swap loader could be used as a lift truck replacement option but was informed that it was not certifiable.

Alderman Finley inquired about the RecTrac software and its use. Ms. Bruer explained that it is a program for signing up for activities, point of sale and will also allow users to reserve tee times. This new update will allow residents the ability to do these things from home via the internet.

Alderman Roach asked what the overall budget was for Ballwin Days which was $95,537. He also asked what the final phase included for The Pointe’s renovation. Ms. Bruer stated it was the painting of the Indoor Pool and the replacement of fitness equipment.  Alderman Roach asked if the maintenance budget had been exhausted. Ms. Bruer stated it was not completely exhausted.

The Police operating budget overview was presented by the Chief of Police, Steve Schicker. He explained that the budget comprised mostly of operation items and addresses building maintenance concerns. There is a significant increase in the expenditures for 2016 as compared to 2015. The major increase in expenditures is due to projects such as fortifying the facility to meet certification standards and replacing the original natural gas service line. The budget also includes the replacement and rotation of 5 marked patrol vehicles, the replacement of the 2003 surveillance van assigned to the Division of Criminal Investigation, and a new computer forensic service subscription with the Regional Computer Crimes Education and Enforcement Group.

Alderman Finley asked how long this repair project could last especially the replacement of the gas line and he was informed that it was not anticipated to take very long.

Alderman Roach inquired about the rotation and the replacement of bullet proof vest, if it would meet the expiration date of current vests. Chief Schicker stated that meeting the expiration dates of the vests would not be an issue.

The Public Works budget overview was presented by Gary Kramer, Director of Public Works.
Mr. Kramer stated that there were no anticipated expenditures for new personnel. Large item expenditures includes: the pavements program, the sidewalks program, the traffic control program, snow and ice control program, the property services program, and the support services program.

The pavement program includes items such as mill/replacement for streets rated at a five or less, micro paving for street pavement conditions at or above a five, easement acquisition for the Henry Avenue resurfacing and sidewalk project, and the Holloway Road resurfacing and sidewalk project.

The Sidewalks Program includes replacing areas that have tripping hazards and upgrading curb ramps.

The Traffic Control Program provides striping and traffic signal maintenance that is bid to private contractors and the painting of crosswalks, stop bars and turn arrows by Public Works personnel.

Snow and ice control is budgeted based on the 2,307 tons average annual usage of salt which is used for treating all streets for the 2015-2016 winter season.

The property services program includes the mosquito control fogging, leaf collection, Ries Road bridge, Ramsey Lane bridge and the Caybeth retaining wall replacement.

Support Services includes the replacement of certain vehicles. Four 2-ton trucks, one 2-ton flatbed truck and two pickup trucks are in poor condition and need to be replaced. The 2016 budget includes the replacement of two 2-ton dump trucks, one 2-ton flatbed truck and one pickup truck. 

Mr. Kramer also included items that will be needed for the future: Truck and equipment shelter, wash bay replacement, 5-ton asphalt roller, Happy Ct. tie wall replacement, electronic message board replacement and office expansion to improve security and provide a conference room and long term file storage.

Alderman Leahy inquired about the department’s current fleet of 18 dump trucks and 2 flat beds. Mr. Kramer stated they would not be decreasing their fleet due to the ages of the vehicles and the need for back-up equipment.

Alderman Finely asked about the Holloway project and if it was completely finished including any unknown issues which Mr. Kramer confirmed was completed.

Alderman Roach voiced his concern about the priority of a couple projects. He asked Mr. Kramer if the retaining wall on Happy Ct. located in Ward 2 could take priority over the retaining wall project on Caybeth in Ward 1 because the retaining wall on Happy Ct is in worse condition.  Mr. Kramer stated that the design and drawings for the Caybeth project has been in the works for four years. The tie wall replacement on Happy Ct. has not begun and is not included in the 2016 budget and requires designs, drawings and the approval of the easement by the property owners.

Alderman Roach’s second concern was on the pavement assessment and the roads that would be included on the 2016 budget. He said that based on the assessments one of the lowest rated road is in Ward 2 which is on Oakwood Terrace Ct. He was concerned that this street was not included in the budget and he believed it should have been a priority. Mr. Hanson commented that Mr. Kramer would provide an assessment of Oakwood Terrace Ct. and that he would forward the results to Alderman Roach.

Alderman Terbrock asked Mr. Kramer about the condition of Ramsey Lane. Mr. Kramer stated that choosing the roads which required repair, his decision to address the condition of Holloway Road was based on lane usage. Ramsey Lane and West Skyline are on his priority list but stated he was not sure when they will be on the schedule to begin the paving.

Mayor Pogue adjourned the budget meeting at 6:48 p.m.

Tim Pogue, Mayor

Eric Hanson, City Administrator

E Hanson
T Aiken
A Johnson

Approved:  October 26, 2015