Archived Meeting Agendas


Every effort is made to ensure that the Agendas and Minutes provided on this and subsequent pages is timely and correct; however, users should keep in mind that this information is provided only as a public convenience. In any case where legal reliance on information is required, the official records of the City of Ballwin should be consulted.

The Board of Aldermen meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in the Board Room of the Ballwin Government Center, 1 Government Ctr. Schedule and place subject to change. Meetings are open to the public. All citizens are urged to attend.

Board of Aldermen Meeting

Meeting Agenda

June 12, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. 

300 Park Drive – Donald “Red” Loehr Police & Court Center

This is a condensed summary of the action items which will be considered at tonight’s Board Meeting. It has been prepared to give you a greater understanding of the issues which will be discussed. If you have comments, questions, or concerns, please call (636) 227-8580. If you would like to know more about the programs or services which we provide, please dial our 24-Hour Information Line (636) 207-2300, or visit us on the web at

If you wish to address the Board during this meeting, please fill out the “Citizen Comments: To Address the Board of Aldermen” form and place it in the tray on the table at the front of the Board Room before the meeting begins.

Please limit your comments to 3 minutes as an individual and 5 minutes representing a group. Please avoid repeating comments others have already made. Thank you for your cooperation.


  1.       Call to Order
  2.       Roll Call
  3.       Pledge of Allegiance
  4.       Approval of Minutes:  May 8, 2017 Board of Aldermen meeting
  5.       Presentation: Public Works Annual Report
  6.       Citizen Comments:
  7.       Public Hearing: Community Development Block Grant Hearing
  8.       Pending Issues:    

 New Business:

  1.       Legislation: None              Next Ordinance # 17-16
    1.  Bill No. 3964 Appointment of Building Commissioner
    2.  Bill No. 3965 SUE Missouri American Water
    3.  Bill No. 3966 Re-zoning of 112 Old Ballwin Road
  2.   Consent Items:
    1. Liquor License Renewals
    2. Public Works Salt Purchase
    3. Public Works Street Striping
    4. Henry Avenue Resurfacing
    5. Navigate Phase 2 & 3
  3.   Mayor’s Report
  4.   City Administrators Report
    1.        Discussion of Bee Keeping in the City
  5.   Staff Reports:
  6.   City Attorney’s Report
  7.   Aldermanic Comments
  8.   Closed Session
    1.        Pursuant to Section 610.022 RSMo., Board will meet in closed session to discuss matters relating to litigation, as provided under Section 610.021(1) RSMo.
  9.   Information Only
  10.   Adjourn

NOTE:  Due to ongoing City business, all meeting agendas should be considered tentative.  Additional issues may be introduced during the course of the meeting. 

CLOSED SESSION:  Pursuant to Section 610.022 RSMo., The Board of Aldermen could, at any time during the meeting, vote to close the public meeting and move to closed session to discuss matters relating to litigation, legal actions, and/or communications from the City Attorney, as provided under Section 610.021(1) RSMo., and/or personnel matters under Section 610.021(13) RSMo., and/or employee matters under Section 610.021(3) RSMo., and/or real estate matters under Section 610.021(2) or other matters as permitted by Chapter 610.