The Pointe Fitness Blog

Jul 1, 2024

Claim Your Independence

It’s time to claim your health independence. No matter what your long-term health goals are, it all starts with you and your self-control. 
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Jun 1, 2024

Looking for New Exercises? Terms to Know

Getting creative with your workout may be just what you need to stay interested and keep exercise in your life.
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May 1, 2024

Are You A Procrastinator Or Precrastinator?

We are all familiar with procrastination, delaying taking action. The flip side of that is precrastination. The opposite of procrastination and immediately jumping into a task must be a good thing, right?
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Apr 1, 2024

Macros, Micros and Water... Oh My!

Diet conversations usually include the question, “Are you counting your macros?”
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Mar 1, 2024

Holy Mackerel... Omega-3 Fatty Acids!

You’ve probably heard of Omega-3 fatty acids. What are they really up to in our bodies?
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Feb 1, 2024

Is Your Heart in the Right Place?

Welcome to February, the designated heart health month. We all know it’s important. We all know the basics when it comes to lifestyle for a healthy heart. Why, then, is heart health still the top healthcare issue in our nation?
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Jan 1, 2024

New Year's Fitness Patience

Here we are again. A New Year means it’s time to start exercising...again. Although this is an admirable resolution, it is a simple fact that the majority of those rushing to the fitness centers, fitness boutiques, and personal training studios will find themselves slipping back into their comfortable realities in months or even weeks.
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Dec 1, 2023

Be Flexible With Your Routine

December 11 is National Stretching Day. It’s time to dig into defining flexibility, the benefits of stretching, and how and when to stretch.
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Nov 1, 2023

Appreciate the Little Things to Succeed

There are endless quotes reminding us to appreciate the little things in life to help motivate. During the season of thanks, appreciate all the small things you do for your health.
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Oct 1, 2023

Reasons or Excuses

Lifestyle habits for better health are primary topics when discussing reasons and excuses. Reasons for not engaging in healthy habits are logically sound and supported with undeniable facts. Excuses, on the other hand, are justifications backed by nothing more than unwillingness to take responsibility.
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Sep 1, 2023

Healthy Aging

September is Healthy Aging Month.
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Aug 1, 2023

Physical Activity: Live and Let Live!

Attention all analytical minds! The following information is for you to dissect and for others to draw motivation from. The CDC is a numbers wonderland, full of health related studies and statistics. Diving into physical activity and mortality is the plan this month.
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