Archived Meeting Agendas

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes



November 6, 2006

The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Michael Boland at 7:01 p.m.  Members in attendance were:

PRESENT                                                     ABSENT
Chairman Michael Boland         Commissioner Pat Buehrle
Commissioner Pat Apel            Commissioner Anna Hunter
Commissioner Sue Heath
Commissioner Ron Kadane
Commissioner Frank Karr
Commissioner Jim Leahy
Commissioner Michael Wind
Alderman Jane Suozzi
Mayor Walt Young
Assistant City Administrator Tom Aiken
City Attorney Lou Lucchesi

Swearing In of New Commission Member

Mr. Pat Apel, 419 Norman Gate Drive (Ward 3), was sworn in by Assistant City Administrator Thomas Aiken.  Mr. Apel replaces Mr. Jim Keefe, who resigned from the Commission. 

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Commissioner Heath and seconded by Commissioner Karr to approve the minutes of the October 2, 2006 meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission as submitted.  The motion received unanimous approval from the members present.

SUE 06-16 – Special Use Exception Petition

Restaurant with Carryout (no alcoholic beverages or live entertainment)

Quizno’s Restaurant, 15581 Manchester Road (Farber Center) Jakob Enterprises, 16432 Sundance Creek Ct. Wildwood MO  63005 – Mr. Jeff Jakob

Mr. Jeff Wiedemeier, Wiedemeier Architects, addressed the Commission on behalf of the petitioner, requesting approval for the special use exception petition.

Alderman Suozzi asked if this Quizno’s is in addition to the one that is located in Winchester.  Mr. Wiedemeier said that it is.  Commissioner Wind asked if it is the same owner for both.  Mr. Wiedemeier said that the Quizno’s in Winchester is a different owner.  Commissioner Karr asked if the location in question had previously been occupied by a restaurant.  Planning Director Aiken said that the site has only been occupied by retail/service uses in the past.  Mr. Karr asked about a prospective opening date.  Mr. Wiedemeier said that they plan to open by January 30, provided this petition receives Board of Aldermen approval.           

Chairman Boland declared the public hearing open and asked if there were any proponents to speak in favor of the petition.  There were none.  Chairman Boland then asked if there were any opponents wishing to speak in opposition to the petition.  There were none, and Chairman Boland declared the public hearing closed.

Commissioner Kadane made a motion to recommend approval of Petition SUE 06-16 to the Board of Aldermen as submitted.  Commissioner Wind seconded the motion, which received unanimous approval from the Commission members present.

SUE 06-17 – Special Use Exception Petition Rental and Outdoor Storage of Motor Vehicles
JB Service Center, 14819 Manchester Road – Mr. James Buzzanga

Mr. Keith Wilhelm of Budget Truck Rental of St. Louis, addressed the Commission on behalf of the petitioner, requesting a special use exception to rent Budget trucks from the JB Automotive location.  He said that parking/vehicle storage will be in the back of the building, away from Manchester Road.

Commissioner Wind asked about the size of the trucks.  Mr. Wilhelm said that the largest truck is 24’ long and 12’ high.  He said they would also have car dolly towing equipment.  He said the majority of the trucks they rent out are 15’ long.  Commissioner Karr asked how many vehicles would be rented through this location.  Mr. Wilhelm said that there will usually be 3-4 trucks, which they hope to have rented out on a consistent basis.  

Commissioner Karr asked if the petitioner will be selling moving supplies also, and if so, will JB Automotive have to expand their facility to accommodate the supplies.  Mr. Wilhelm said that he will be selling boxes, but will use the existing space for storage of excess boxes.  Available space will dictate what is put out on the show floor.  Commissioner Karr asked if truck maintenance and repair would take place on the site.  Mr. Wilhelm said that Budget has a separate maintenance facility, and vehicles would be taken there.

Commissioner Kadane asked if JB Automotive personnel will be handling the transactions for Budget truck rental.  Mr. Wilhelm said that 2-3 JB Automotive employees will be trained to perform those tasks.  No extra personnel will be hired. 

Commissioner Apel asked if the trucks would be entering the site on Elm Avenue.  Mr. Buzzanga said that most of the time, he directs customers to enter his facility from Kehrs Mill Road.  Commissioner Apel said that it would be difficult to enter from Elm and come down the hill with a large truck.  Commissioner Wind asked if the trucks have manual or automatic transmissions.  He agreed that people would have a difficult time driving a large manual-transmission truck down the hill on Elm.  Mr. Wilhelm said that all of their trucks have automatic transmissions.

Chairman Boland opened the public hearing, and asked if there were any proponents wishing to speak in favor of Petition SUE 06-17.  There were none.  Chairman Boland then asked if there were any opponents wishing to speak against the petition.  There were none, and Chairman Boland closed the public hearing.

Commissioner Wind stated his concern about the impact that the weight of the trucks would have on the railroad tie retaining wall on the property.  Commissioner Kadane referred to the drawings and said that the truck will not be parked near the wall.  

Commissioner Kadane moved to recommend approval of Petition SUE 06-17 to the Board of Aldermen, pursuant to the 10-unit parking limit for trucks.  Commissioner Heath seconded the motion, which received unanimous approval from the Commission members present.

Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee Update

Commissioner Karr said two more meetings are planned for the committee, on November 20 and December 18.  Arcturis should have a complete preliminary draft of the report available for the committee to review by the December meeting.  After the committee reviews and approves the report, it will come before the Planning & Zoning Commission for a public hearing and to make any adjustments necessary.   Once the report is in its final form, the Steering Committee will be dissolved.  Commissioner Karr again urged the Planning & Zoning Commission members to attend these final two meetings of the committee.  Mayor Young commended everyone involved in this effort on the excellent job they are doing in creating this document.

Review of Items Sent to the Board of Aldermen

Planning Director Aiken submitted a summary of agenda item and the current status.  The Commission members expressed their appreciation for this effort.  Mr. Aiken said that he would continue to report this information on a monthly basis.


A motion was made by Commissioner Wind and seconded by Commissioner Karr to adjourn the meeting.  The motion received unanimous approval from the members present.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Michael Boland, Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission