• The Ballwin Government Center will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17th for Presidents' Day. We will reopen on Tuesday, February 18th at 8 a.m.

Attorney Information

If the address on your client's ticket is not current, please update their address with the Court immediately by email to:   , as this will allow them to receive all necessary notices from the court. Please contact the court office at (636) 227-9468 for any questions.

Attorney Guidelines

    • For Ballwin and Winchester violations received January 01, 2021 and after that are pending before this court please file an entry of appearance and request for continuance on casenet "e-filing". 
    • All requests for a recommendation and/or discovery should be sent separately to the attention of the Prosecuting Attorney at the court address listed below with a service copy of your entry of appearance and a SASE.
    • The Court will not handle or process requests for recommendations or discovery.
    • For questions concerning your court date, contact the court at 636-227-9468 or check the website www.casenet.com The prosecuting attorney is not authorized to continue cases after the initial court date stated on the recommendation.
    • Email request for a recommendation to our .

Ballwin Municipal Court
1 Government Ctr
Ballwin, MO 63011
Phone: (636) 227-9468
Fax: (636) 207-2393

Forms you may need for your client

Requests for Recommendation and/or Discovery

Requests must be submitted in writing to:

City of Ballwin
Office of the Prosecuting Attorney
1 Government Ctr
Ballwin, MO 63011
Prosecuting Attorney Fax: (636) 207-2320

  • Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of your recommendation.
  • If requesting discovery, please call for return postage amount required.  
  • We do not require a driving record.
  • Attorneys will receive a recommendation with an acceptance/pay date once request has been completed by the prosecuting attorney.

Tickets Involving an Accident

  • Tickets resulting from an accident will require a letter of coverage from the defendant’s insurance provider for the day of the accident
  • A copy of an insurance card will not be accepted.
  • Recommendation requests will not be processed without this information.
  • All requests for continuances should be directed to the court at (636) 227-9468