• The Ballwin Government Center will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17th for Presidents' Day. We will reopen on Tuesday, February 18th at 8 a.m.

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Burglary Tips

The most common type of burglary is one in which the suspect enters an open garage of the residence and takes something belonging to the homeowner.  A burglary is defined as the unlawful entering of a dwelling or inhabitable structure with the intent to commit a crime.  Burglaries are sometimes confused with robberies which occur when a suspect takes the property of another by threat or force.  “Garage Burglaries” can be prevented by securing the overhead door and entry door while not in that immediate area.  Also it is important for homeowners to remember to secure the garage at night when they retire for the evening. 
If a perpetrator would break into your residence while you are at home,
Do Not confront the individual.
  1. Get to a safe room in your residence, and lock the door.
  2. CALL 911, and tell the police dispatcher your location in the residence and the location of the intruder (if known).
  3. Do not leave the safe room until the Police contact you inside your residence.  
Report “Suspicious Activity” 
If you see suspicious activity in your neighborhood: 
  1. Get as much descriptive information as possible on the subjects, (hair color, wearing a hat, shirt and pants colors, and shoe type).
  2. Vehicles the subjects may be driving, (make, model, color, license plate number, and any distinguishing characteristics).
  3. The direction the subjects or vehicle left the area.
  4. Call the police to document the incident.